Saturday, May 6, 2023

With Emily


With Emily

The pages
Rustle, curl, flip
Palm of my hand
Settles them

I'm sitting beside her
Scraps of envelopes
Chocolate wrappers
Nestle within
The white folds of her dress
Auburn head
Bent upon slender neck
No flirtatious ringlets -

You resemble
Your beloved Indian Pipes

She laughs softly
Glances up
At her bedroom window
Her hand
Smooths Carlo's fur
Repositions herself
Within White Oak's shadow
Brown eyes that see
Far beyond this yard
Glance my way -

We are protected
She says

From what
I want to ask
But remain silent
As I watch her nourish
Repurposed scraps
Sentence snippets
Fragmented together
With dashes and slashes
Words looped and dotted
Her pencil pauses
Midair -

With loneliness
With fullness
With loss
With Wonder
She whispers
Pull life up
By it's roots

Her pen descends
I watch 
Seeds race across
In slanted rows
In curved
Someday edited
Some roots snipped
By friends -

You will be famous
One day

She looks incredulous
Almost scared
Picks up her papers 
Pencil tucked in her hair
Walks toward warm bricks
So solid, safe
As birds serenade -

Birds sing
For independent ecstasy
She sighs
Not for applause
Nor recognition
As do I.

She slips away
For now

Wind rustles my hair
The pages
Whip across my knuckles
This afternoon with Emily
Enchanting as usual

By Margaret Bednar, May 5, 2023

Indian Pipe is a white flower that has a bent flower head.  It was a favorite of Emily’s. Carlo was her beloved big, black dog.  She supposedly became more of a recluse as she aged - spent hours in her room. 

This is linked with "Poets and Storytellers United - Friday Writings #75" This blogger is doing “The Dickinson Blog Project” reading and commenting all 1789 poems  (where I got the reference)

Book - The Gorgeous Nothings: Emily Dickinson’s Envelope Poems VERY interesting article - I was intrigued how science detected the erased parts of Emily’s letters to Susan.  “… But in the process of attempting to read copies of every letter Emily had written, Smith got distracted. “I start coming across things like seven lines erased, half of the page cut out, words erased,” she tells me. “And I’m like, What in the world is this? And so I asked to go see the manuscripts at Amherst College — that’s where most of the mutilated manuscripts are.” Once there, new spectrographic technology made it possible for Smith to recapture what had been censored on the pages and to quickly realize that the lines being erased were “these affectionate expressions about her sister-in-law, Susan.”

Two movies wildly different from each other;  A Quiet Passion and Wild Nights with Emily



Jim said...

That i/s a heavy project, reading and writing comments on all 1789 poems.
Guess you work like a factory worker, a set routine, perhaps fill in the blanks.
or check answers on prepared virtual forms. Something AI never could do.
I like the tempo here, five minutes on the 'line'. If Emily could see all this now.

Rosemary Nissen-Wade said...

Lovely! And I enjoyed your back story too.

Now to look for the Wild Nights movie (seen and liked the other one).

colleen said...

Love the back and forth dialogue. I hope she comes to haunt me soon!

Penelope Notes said...

Emily is briefly brought to life so beautifully here under your gaze and pen.

Priscilla King said...

Do you think it's possible that while being so obsessed with Higginson, Dickinson had lesbian tendencies as well?

Rajani said...

This is so wonderful.. so much going on there - I do want now to read all the backstories.
With loneliness
With fullness
With loss
With Wonder - just beautiful!

Magaly Guerrero said...

I really enjoyed the exchange, and the details. I can see this happen, feel her doubts, delight in the fact that she always keeps going. I also really like the speaker's enthusiasm.

rallentanda said...

Thank you for all the notes . I understood the poem much better and enjoyed your dialogue very much. I am not familiar with Emily Dickinson's work . I would like to see those movies.

Helen said...

Absolutely gorgeous Margaret! Emily, a poet worthy of every ounce of praise she receives and will continue to receive as long as there are sensitive and introspective poets such as YOU! Loved the back and forth.