Sunday, August 28, 2022

Thorne Swift

 Thorne Swift

I raise my eyes to sky of blue, quietly walk,
guard this place I internalize, scrutinize
her dappled light - a fairy's flutter?

Beauty wings t'ward water's edge; I follow,

clean(se) my feet, unwind this day - free ...
from burdens; seagulls sing, sailboats slide,
rust(icily) simple.  Sigh and sink into sand -n- sun.

by Margaret Bednar,  August 28, 2022

Linked with "dverse poets MTB: Vertical lines of kisses". This was a hard prompt. The line I chose was "I guard her beauty clean from rust".  Each line begins with each successive word in the sentence.  I took some photos of a nature preserve that leads to a gorgeous beach on Lake Michigan and wanted to tie it in to this challenge.  I tried for over an hour to keep the meter of the chosen line but the words  did not allow me to do that so I scratched it out and started over.  This beach is a 20 minute drive from my home and it is not as well known as others - I felt like it was all my own! 

Sunday, August 21, 2022

One Direction?

Collage by M. Bednar (click on image to enlarge)

One Direction?

When I retell a cherished story,
I sometimes embellish the plot, sink into it, 
stay far longer than a few paragraphs; 
new chapters emerge, new characters, different endings:

Alice decides to stay in the rabbit hole, 
Cinderella refuses her prince, 
Old Yeller's given a vaccine,
Black Beauty helps Ginger mend her ways.

What makes happy endings?  
A handsome groom,
white picket fence, gems, jewels, 
glamorous dresses, adventure?  

Perhaps it's simple:  a mulish devotion to self - 
not absorption, but awareness.  The giving of, 
not pampering of.  Allowing strength and conviction
to rule the day, not simpering whimsy, not fantasy.

Life is our story; may we fill pages 
with intrepid words written with a bold hand 
and a few mark throughs, as rethinking 
(and changing course) is honorable -

best route to happily ever after.

by Margaret Bednar, August 21, 2022