Friday, October 13, 2023

Mountain Top


Mountain Top

Bourbon butterscotch 
brightened to a shiny penny
before the hold of a sky,
matched your blue eyes
and mixed with cucumber waters,

rushed past woodland lichen 
and pussy willow,
life-giving sustenance 
caressing ancient paths 
and chaste mauve lips

both thirsting 
for past and present 
to be vineyard and vine;  
for all, for one.  

A mountain is mighty
but beneath a tree branch, 
a flannel grey sanctuary
embraced our youth,

the glacial stream curled by
as fauna and curling willow
turned your eyes to candied lavender
and mine to Celtic green

as we picnicked and drank 
from mountain waters, 
settled ourselves, became lovers.


A tawny owl blinks
into a raven-wing night
blessing each season

as we return
beneath a peppercorn sky
ablaze with the northern star;
refined amber 
above windswept cliffs
whistling a serenade to love.

This ancient pathway 
our spring nectar,
where summer coneflowers 
and yarrow bloom,
fall's fiery hue 
yielding soon 
to winter's alabaster drape.

by Margaret Bednar, December 7, 2020 (Reposted October 3, 2023)

Reposted and playing along with "Poets & Storytellers United - Friday Writings Earth, Air, Fire, Water".  I did change this version slightly from the original.


(Dec. 7, 2020) I wrote this poem to an expired challenge over at "dVerse Poets Pub - Synesthesia" - write a song full of colors.   I wouldn't say this is a song, but it is a poem.  I am linking this up with "Poets and Storytellers Writers Pantry #49". 


Magaly Guerrero said...

"whistling a serenade to love"

I shall keep this soothing bit of imagery with me for a while... 🥰

Marja said...

Wow what a feast this poem is. It is very descriptive and my heart is bathing in the beauty of it. Love all the colours and images. My favourite 'winter's alabaster drape' and the last three lines. Just beautiful. It took me a while to figure out what alabaster drape is, as English is my second language. It is fun though this exploration..

Jim said...

Very descriptive of colors and their use, Margaret. I'm glad the second poem ended read. Could also have been a picnic lunch? I know, girls like the love poems.

Penelope Notes said...

Love the concept of winter being alabaster drape. Sounds simultaneously cool and warm.

Rosemary Nissen-Wade said...

Lovely! And it does indeed include all the elements.

Rajani said...

Glacial rivers and flowers and colours... this is a visual delight..

Jim said...

Glad your back from the dread illness. Here is hoping there won't be any "lingering" affects. I have some, taste and smell, balance, and memory problems a little worse. Names of persons and places almost blanks, but my sister says she has this as well as my dad, and son, and Sis says that runs in the family. We will see, it's been since March 2022.

vanderloost said...

A peppercorn sky....I am trying to image it. Celtic green and candied lavender a painter's brush strokes!!

Sara McNulty said...

Wow. I loved this from bourbon butterscotch on. stunning imagery all throughout. Outstanding, Margaret!