Friday, September 9, 2011

Magpie Tales #81 "The Crossroads"

Photo provided by Tess Kincaid for Magpie Tales

The Crossroads

Decades of irascible memories
previously tucked away and hidden
now tentatively observed 
before this once intrepid heart.

Eroded yesterdays brushed off
in this final, last ditch effort
to make the past shine.  

my iron will of denial gives in 
as life's spinning motion

forcing me to stop at the crossroads
where mortal and immortal meet.

My heart yearns to change the past
to give a "valid" accounting
but I find excuses
outweigh answers

so I plead and finally


hoping His grace
outweighs my sins.

by Margaret Bednar, Art Happens 365, September 9, 2011, 

This if for Magpie Tales #81 and "Three Word Wednesday CCLVII" (Erode, Heart, Observe)


Reena said...

Margaret, this is just lovely prose. The photo is perfect for it!

Anonymous said...

We're a homeschooling family, and we're currently studying Greek mythology. So I especially loved this part: "forcing me to stop at the crossroads where mortal and immortal meet." ... And yes, His grace will always outweigh your sin and mine. "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God," (Romans 3:23) ... "for the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 6:23) These are our memory verses for the week; I'm glad I got to use them. :)

Helen said...

Margaret, this is beautiful .. hits in all the right places.

PS ... If I had the room I would adopt that horse!!

Lolamouse said...

I love where you went with this prompt! This was heartfelt and lovely.

Chronicles of Illusions said...

Wow - I really enjoyed where you took us with this prompt - excellent

ShonEjai said...

What a well written piece! "My heart yearns to change the past" is such a powerful line and it struck a cord within me when I read it. Well done!

forgetmenot said...

Wow, what a powerful piece. Beautifully written, and your ending words sum it all up so well. Terrific work. Have a lovely weekend. Mickie :)

Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

true sentiments, well put.

Sheilagh Lee said...

Truly lovely.