Saturday, November 16, 2019

On a "Snow Break" and my son's poem: My Nerd

I may be taking a week's break from blogging... visiting my Mother-in-Law up North where it will be windy and snowy by Lake Michigan.   It will be fun - I have a lot of walks planned along the Lake and such and I'm bringing my knitting and a few projects. (and both puppies - they are 11 months old now)  If I can, I will submit a poem by iPhone... I hate to miss prompts.  But I might be having too much fun ;)

My son wrote a poem for me on my birthday (54!!)...  I love his sixth-grade boy's perspective...  (His blog is:

My Nerd
by Spencer Bednar

A pocket-sized dragon sits on my finger,
lime green eyes blink, her nose flares electric blue,
and I rub her forehead; tame the untamed.

She purrs and toots (who knew girls farted!),
cries out with a sound reminiscent
of a whale's song.  It touches my heart.

I'm smitten.  I wear t-shirts to school
with dinosaurs, dragons, and mythical creatures;
ignore the chuckles of "popular" girls.

Am guilty of drawing said creatures
during class; look out the window, imagine wonders,
envision creatures yet to be discovered.

I might be laughable to those girls,
but Sparky, whom I've smuggled to class,
makes me happy.

So, I embrace my nerd, for that's my cool.

1 comment:

Fireblossom said...

Already commented at Spencer's blog. Enjoy your visit to my state! If you have a down moment, feel free to visit the Sunday Muse, where I am hosting this weekend.