Saturday, September 28, 2019



Can you imagine Sunday dinner
at Grandmother's table
talking on the landline,

and yet today
we've apparently forgotten
how to set a formal table,

dinner fork replaced by the cell.

by Margaret Bednar, September 28, 2019

Linked with "Imaginary Garden with Real Toads - Weekend Mini Challenge: Maladroit"

maladroit:  unskillful, awkward, bungling, tactless


Helen said...

Sadly, it’s true. (I found the lovely lady in a 40s fashion site on wikimedia) she seemed perfect for the poem.

Rommy said...

As with all things, balance is key. Technology can be awful or wonderful--it's all up to the user.

Helen said...

I had to look for the image again to make certain what I told you was accurate:


Kim M. Russell said...

Ooh, my pet hate, Margaret! There’s nothing more annoying and worrying than people sat around a table staring at their phones - and I often wonder how hygienic the phones are!

Jae Rose said...

It would be good to go back in time and make those tables special again

brudberg said...

I wonder when formal dinners died... I think they died already with television.

Rob Jackson said...

Those days might be gone, but also, what as considered formal 50 years ago is a lot different than 200.

Sanaa Rizvi said...

Sigh .. I do miss those formal dinners. This is beautifully rendered, Margaret!❤️

Panchali said...

Ironically. the fact that all this modern day communication technology is actually pulling us farther apart and negatively affecting our interpersonal relationships.
Hope we all wake up before it's too late! Thanks for this meaningful, beautiful and timely poem, Margaret.

Linda Lee Lyberg said...

Although there are a lot of positives to our technology, it is pulling us away from one on one communication. When I was working and interviewing people, I used to tell my colleagues I was going to start a coaching business on How to interview for a job, because it was not unusual to be interviewing someone and they were hesitant to make eye contact. So sad. said...

it's like a new toy that a child or pet cannot stop playing with.