Saturday, March 23, 2019

The Impasse

The Impasse

Beneath a trio of linden trees
he pauses, their leafy flutterings evident
they're watching, waiting

to see if he will stray.

Will he, with hat in hand test fate
or journey down well-worn path,
the way his horse knows so well?

Behind sun-lit window,
is she wondering too?

by Margaret Bednar, March 23, 2019

This is for "Imaginary Garden with Real Toads - Artistic Interpretations - Vintage Treasures - Paintings".

I have been absent from "The Garden" for a few weeks.  We were renting here in North Carolina and now we have purchased a house and we are all moved in ... not unboxed - our two car garage is full!  (slow and steady wins the race).  We also just got back from our son's wedding and we now have a new daughter who we adore.  Life couldn't be better and I also hope to be back here on a regular basis.  


Kerry O'Connor said...

Congratulations on your son's nuptials, Margaret. As you reflect in your poem, there are times when one must pause and consider all options, or just take in the view.

Susie Clevenger said...

Congratulations to your son and new bride, and to you, your husband and family for another daughter to love. Love your voice for the painting. He does appear to be weighing life options yet nature brings its pause to take in its wonders.

Jim said...

Congratulations, Mother of the Groom. I'm wondering if they will they live close? All (five) of ours are here in the Houston area as are four of the five grandkids. That makes it nice for family relations and activities. Steady is the word for getting settled but I procrastinate.
Your poem poses the question of the day, symbolic of deeper decisions in the works. I enjoyed reading, you did very well with your prompt. And I like your art selections a lot.
Thank you,

Helen said...

Lovely writing, Margaret. There is something to be said for taking the path least traveled .... you have had quite the last few months! I so enjoyed photos and videos.

brudberg said...

I love the options of what could happen... there is some anticipation that I didn't spot at first, I can almost see the curtains being pulled apart by someone watching.

Congratulations to you and the happy couple said...

Congratulations on gaining a new daughter, Margaret! Wonderful ending on this poem. The art you provided made it difficult to decide which to focus on.