Thursday, August 30, 2012

dVerse "Form For All: On Tritinas "Lovely SaRa

Lovely SaRa

Lean on me, swing in my arms,
I'll listen, cry, be there for you.
A lifetime of sharing

secretive giggles, hearts sharing
womanly futures.  My smile, my arms
listless now, so far removed from you,

lovely SaRa.   I cherish you,
your spunk, your thoughtful sharing
ways.  About my heart, your arms

I'll always feel, comforting, supporting, sharing.

by Margaret Bednar, Art Happens 365, August 30, 2012

This is my attempt to write a Tritina for dVerse "Form For All".  The endings did not have to rhyme, but the end words had to follow this pattern:  A B C /  C A B  /  B C A.  Not sure sharing was the best word to choose to make this poem run smoothly, but I ran out of time.  I will attempt this again as I think it gives a poem a lyrical quality (read the others I have linked as mine is just OK).

I have always wanted to write a poem about these two, my daughter on the left, a BFF on her right.  They have known each other since 5th grade and are two lovely young ladies pursuing their dreams far apart now.  But as some girls tend to be, they are friends for life... It is the greatest treasure in the whole world.

Poetry Jam - Letters & Friday Flash 55 "Dear Grandmother & Susan"

Grandmother's Journal

A century old, they still ring true,
These words of yesterday are dear.
'Tis faint and small these words in blue.
A century old, they still ring true.
A time of youth and deja vu,
Enlightened life at which I peer.
A century young, they still ring true,
These words of yesterday are dear.

by Margaret Bednar, Art Happens, 03-14-11

The above is a poem I wrote in March of 2011.  The challenge for Poetry Jam "Letters" is to write a poem about letters.  This is, obviously, a journal, but it kind-of fit in.  HERE is my Grandmother Marguerite's journal which I have not yet completed.  It is her journal documenting her trip to Yellowstone in 1915 (which was the last year before the automobile was allowed in).

But, just so I play by the rules, I will add the following poem which is about my sister who died before I was two.  She and I looked alike and she was very artistic.  I have a few of her drawings, colored papers, and I recently found this letter tucked away in some old photographs.  (the other side is written on as well).

I am linking the following "Dear Grandmother & Susan" up with Friday Flash 55.

Dear Grandmother,

Today we went to a Brownie mother daughter breakfast.  I went over to Raeanns house.  Made a fort.  Almost had it done when Raeann had to go in.  Hope you get home soon! 


Forever eight,
blond, blue-eyed.
Artwork, letters,
photos, all I have.
I am told
she loved me
very much.

by Margaret Bednar, Art Happens 365, August 30, 2012

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

IGWRT's - Words Count with Mama Zen "My Inspiration?"

This is for Imaginary Garden with Real Toads "Words Count with Mama Zen".  We were to write a 25 word poem about our power image, our symbols, what we return to time and again to write poetry.  Well, it isn't any one image, as much as photographic images.

I started my photography blog in order to gain confidence in composition and provide myself with original source material for my sketching/painting blog.  I believe I have improved in my photography and at the same time, found I enjoy capturing "moments" with my camera.  This, and my son's interest in poetry, led me to dip my toe in and give writing a try.

I hope to soon carve out time to get back to learning to improve in sketching, drawing, and painting.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Poets United - Vice Versa "Welcome, September" #13

Welcome, September

So long, dearest August,
with no despair we walk away
once again

welcome with open arms
the month of sapphires
and Forget-me-nots;

yet promise to plant a kiss
on your bloomin' check
come next year

and hope
you will not object
to our temporal fickleness.

by Margaret Bednar, Art Happens 365, August 28, 2012

This is for Poets United "Vice Versa #13".  The opposite words Object/Welcome & Despair/Hope.

Mag #132 & dVerse Open Link Night "This Big Room"

Big Room, 1948, by Andrew Wyeth
This Big Room

I see us
in this big room

of taciturn shadows
ribboned with luminous light.

The appeal of opposites,

buoyant laughter,
reticent smiles,

bold kisses,
hesitant whispers,

dashing displays,
veiled pleasure,

my lips greedy,
yours tinctured with generosity.

As the tickling of seasons
flaunt change beyond the windowpane,

alternately layering blankets of snow
and flowers upon your grave,

within these parchment colored walls,
time hovers, inert,

and I breath you in
as I stand upon the threshold

of this big room.

by Margaret Bednar, Art Happens 365, August 28, 2012

This is in response to The Mag 132 challenge to write a poem or short vignette using the weekly photo (the image at the top of this post).

I have also linked with dVerse Open Link Night #59.  

Monday, August 27, 2012

Poetry Jam - What's the genre? "Eyes Once Waltzed"

Eyes Once Waltzed

Eyes once told stories,
beckoned, promised,

upon flickering screen.

Winked wickedly,
fluttered pleadingly,
vampishly flirted,

held torrents of rage,
as sideways glance
hinted of love betrayed,

or love reconciled.
Fluttered as passion
was censored,

but beneath arched brow
desire cavorted

and imagination soared.

by Margaret Bednar, Art Happens 365, August 27, 2012

This is for Poetry Jam "What's the genre?"  The silent screen fascinated me as a child and recently I saw the movie "The Artist" and LOVED it!  If you haven't seen it, do yourself a favor.

This is also linked with Imaginary Garden with Real Toad's "Open Link Monday".

Sunday, August 26, 2012

IGWRT's Sunday Challenge "Through Glass Eyes"

Photo courtesy of  Jaime Clark
Through Glass Eyes

Through glass eyes
I see you.

My heart cold,
no longer green with envy.

Songless, I let go.

by Margaret Bednar

This is for Imaginary Garden with Real Toad's "A Mini-Challenge for Sunday - Extreme Close-Up.  The photography was provided by Jamie Clark and I also used her title for the photo as my inspiration for a poem (Thanks, Jaimie, hope you don't mind.)

The "marching orders" also consisted of writing a Shadorma: a poem in six lines, using a syllabic count of 3-5-3-3-7-5 per line.  And, lucky me, no rhyming.

Katydid's are easily heard, but not usually seen.  They "sing" to each other by rubbing their forewings together.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

IGWRT's - Fireblossom Friday #10 "One Night Stand"

One Night Stand

Entwined heat
simmers, lingers

as early morning peeks
through plantation blinds,

passion replays
behind sated lids,
an encore...

My mind savors
your eyes, dark,
chestnut locks, wayward,
muscles, simultaneously
gentle, intense...

Ecstasy retreats
behind embarrassed smile
arms and legs unscramble,

as I realize
"he" isn't "you".

by Margaret Bednar, Art Happens 365, August 25, 2012

This is for Imaginary Garden with Real Toad's "Fireblossom Friday #10 ... "Lights, Camera, Love!"  One of my all time favorite love stories... "Bridge Jones" 1 & 2 (although I DO love the ending of #1)  If you haven't seen this movie, ladies (as most men find it a "chick flick") PLEASE do so ASAP.   A close second, as far as modern movies are concerned,  is "PS I Love You" (I love a good, sappy, sad romance :)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

IGWRT's - Ella's Edge "A Feather's Destiny" & Friday Flash 55

Art and Photo courtesy of Ella's Edge
A Feather's Destiny

I am a fragment
of my former plumage;
accept being alone.
Lighter, smaller,

my quill quiet.
Prefer soaring freely,
spinning out of control
Winging skyward,

free falling with abandonment.
Tickling, teasing, creating wonder.
Embracing nature's simplicity,
her freedom.

Not always thrilled to laud
a beauty's vanity,
number of enemies slain,
nor celebrate a hunter's success.

by Margaret Bednar, Art Happens 365, August 23, 2012

Photo courtesy of "AimlessMusings2010"
This is linked with Imaginary Garden With Real Toads, "Ella's Edge".  We were supposed to try to see what wisdom "speaks" to us through one of her images.  I kept coming back to a feather in this image and well, this was what I came up with (wise or not :)

This will also be linked with Friday Flash 55 - a story (or in my case, usually a poem) in 55 words - no more, no less. (link up after 8pm Thursday's)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Texture Tuesday with Kim Klaussen

This is linked with "Texture Tuesday" and I used one layer of "dream-it".  Kim Klaussen offers on-line courses that allow one to do wonders with photography.  I haven't even scratched the surface and hope to take another class soon.

Helen Keller is a personal hero of mine.   Her quotes are numerous and one can glean abundant wisdom from them.  My very first theater play I attended as a little girl was "The Miracle Worker" and of course, I have read her autobiography. 

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Poets United -Vice Versa #12 "Found My Day Happy"

Olive Hue Designs for d'Verse "Out the Sketchbook" original poem 12/17/2011
revised 8/21/2012
Found My Day Happy

A ratty red dress
makes everything right,
wraps about me
like a mother's embrace.

With my pretty red dress
I don't feel alone.

Some buy their days happy,
carry enormous umbrellas,
yet fail to keep
discord at bay.

Triumphant arms I raise,
downpour, thanked.

Joy and harmony, mine,
beauty, faded and old
from an alley box,
dented and dirty.

My treasure found
at the end of the rainbow.

by Margaret Bednar, Art Happens 365, poem revised (original title: Silver Lining) 8-21-2012

This is for Poets United Vice Verse #12 - This weeks words are: Harmony/Discord & Triumph/Fail  (I used triumphant: hope that is OK) 

Monday, August 20, 2012

Magpie Tales 131 "River Thames" & IGWRT's Open Link Monday

Under Windsor Bridge, 1912, by Adolphe Valette
River Thames

Whether morn or dusk
she captivates

lures me to her side,
moist breath upon my neck;

her dirty ways, seductive.
Makes me feel

a bit mysterious,
even dangerous.

by Margaret Bednar, Art Happens 365, August 20, 2012

I would love to walk over the Windsor pedestrian bridge and see the sights of London!  For this poem, I channeled a bit of Bond, a bit of Holmes - two GREAT characters of which I will never tire.

This is linked with The Mag #131 (using the picture prompt above) and to Imaginary Garden with Real Toad's Open Link Monday.

And a doodle...

Saturday, August 18, 2012

A Northerner's "Southern" Garden

The sun is HOT and the we often go long periods without rain.  My husband is a flower lover, and has had to make do with flowering bushes, grasses (which he doesn't like but I LOVE) and very hardy flowers.

We have tried to keep it as natural as possible.

This year he added a few flowers in hopes the deer would leave them alone; so far, so good.  We live in a heavily wooded area and actually had to chop a few old trees down in order to get light on the flower bed.  (Some in our neighborhood were quite upset, but there are still plenty of trees!

The Crape Myrtle needs to be trimmed way back, but we will do this in the fall.  My husband longs for his lush perennial northern flower garden, but I think he is off to a good start.

I was inspired to post this after reading "Recollections of a Vagabonde's blog".  She usually travels and shares her experiences and remembrances, but today she shared her back yard.  

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Poet's United - Vice Versa #11 "Proof"

M.Bednar iPhone photography

Of roses red she prattled and praised,
school girl giddy, unique proof
he loved her.

Glad my ordinary man's
dishpan hands did more
than reach for his wallet.

I'll never condemn a man
who does both!

by Margaret Bednar, Art Happens 365, August 16, 2012

This is for  Poets United "Vice Versa".  Write a poem or prose using all four words:  unique/ordinary & condemn/praise.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

"Casanova's Game" for Friday Flash 55, Poetic Asides Wednesday Poetry Prompt #188, & Poetry Jam

Image courtesy of Google Images
Casanova's Game

He pledged devotion, deep red
as my father's Crape myrtle blossoms.

I believed

in passion green, succulent,
burgeoning, ripening  ...
ravishing beneath Charleston's 
starry midnight sky.

I heeded not

old matrons' warnings
of wooing arms, bewitching lips,
of whispered promises
like Lagerstroemia's fruit,

blackening, drying, splitting

at the end of an expectant
debutante's St. Cecilia season.

by Margaret Bednar, Art Happens 365, August 15, 2012

Image courtesy of Wikipedia
Lagerstroemia is the scientific classification (Genus) for the Crape myrtle 

This is for Robert Lee Brewer's Poetic Asides,  Wednesday Poetry Prompts #188 - Prompt Challenge "change of plans".

This is linked to this week's challenge over at Poetry Jam:  Games

Also linked with Friday Flash 55 (Thursday after 8pm).  

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Kim Klaussen's Texture Tuesday "Look Down"

Photo taken at Antietam Civil War Battleground

Look Down

Look down, look closely,
for shadows do whisper,
flowers do weep.

Look down, listen intently,
yesteryear has answers
for those who seek.

by Margaret Bednar, Art Happens 365, August 14, 2012

This is for Kim Klassen's "Texture Tuesday" challenge and I used the texture "Dream-it" using a bit over 80% opacity.  She also threw out a challenge to use the prompt "Look Down".  If you are interested in participating, there is a prize at the end of the week for one lucky person:  a copy of Elevate the Everyday! (a Photographic Guide to Picturing Motherhood).

Also linked with dVerse Open Link Night

Monday, August 13, 2012

IGWRT's - Open Link Monday "Sidecar Beagle"

Sidecar Beagle

Ancestral bloodline

third wheel status

rocket past hare

chasing illusive horizon

by Margaret Bednar, Art Happens 365, August 13, 2012

This guy was SO happy as he and his lady friend drove off, his ears a-flappin', into the tree lined avenue...  How times have changed!

This is linked with Imaginary Garden with Real Toad's "Open Link Monday".  

Gimli - The newest member of our family!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Mag #130 "Why?"

image by Francesca Woodman


Voided life,


forever seeking
an answer

to "Why"?

by Margaret Bednar, Art Happens 365, August 12, 2012

This is for "The Mag #130".  The artist, Francesca Woodman, committed suicide at the age of 22.

IGWRT's - Sunday's Mini-Challenge "Rejuvination"


Evening tiptoes
stealthily flows,
surrounds with prose,
for ears that seek

her graceful lows,
flowers that close,
a final pose,
a last critique;

a cabaret,
of varied gay
and grand bouquets
swaying goodnight

until next day
in full array,
like potter's clay,
a new delight!

by Margaret Bednar, Art Happens 365, August 13, 2012

This is for Imaginary Garden with Real Toad's "Sunday Mini-Challenge - Cyhydedd Hir"

Yes, Unpronounceable, (cuh-hee-dedd-heer) and almost impossible for me to do.

For those interested, the rhyming pattern and syllable count (19 repeated four times) is:  xxxbxxxbxxxbxxxA (repeat) xxxcxxxcxxxcxxxD (repeat)   Oh, at least I think this is correct!

IGWRT's - A Word with Laurie "Summer Nights"

Summer Nights

Temperate breeze
saunters ashore,
wooden pier
languid beneath
sunshine's drape,

whispering not
of miscreant night,
of innocence
cast afar
beneath wayward,
moonlit sky.

by Margaret Bednar, Art Happens 365, August 12, 2012

This is for Imaginary Garden with Real Toads "A Word with Laurie".  The challenge word was Miscreant and I used the definition:  lacking in conscience or moral principles; unscrupulous. 

Saturday, August 11, 2012

dVerse Poetics "Faithful Hearts"

Faithful Hearts

Tiny fluff, dependent,
eager, squirming warmth,
soft glances, wet kisses.

a first little one to love.

Four paws following,
guiding, protecting;

a life, loyal,
intrinsically entwined
with ours;

never imagining
the emotional shift
when baby arrives.

Their allegiance
expanding, unwavering.

Faithful hearts
can do no less.

by Margaret Bednar, Art Happens 365, August 11, 2012

This is linked with dVerse Poetics: "The Beautiful Sadness"  The challenge is to write about something both beautiful and melancholy.  I remember getting my first cat and HOW much I loved him... but when my firstborn arrived... well, definitely the cat was routed to the back seat.  I am still a cat lover AND have dogs.  Dogs are much more emotional and attuned to their human's needs... and I am amazed how much they continue to give and place us humans first even when animals don't come first in my heart anymore.   (I feel so guilty saying that... don't get me wrong... I LOVE animals.  :)

Poetry Jam "After Blossom's Bloom"

Margaret Bednar's iPhone Photography

After Blossom's Bloom

Cherish the simple
See grandness in everyday
Embrace life's seasons.

After blossom's bloom
before glorious colors
Value this moment.

by Margaret Bednar, Art Happens 365, August 11, 2012

This is for Poetry Jam "What Do YOU Value?"  Obviously this topic could have been very long and heavy, but I'm busy wrapping up summer with my children and getting ready for the new school year.   I was at the barn the other day and gazed upon this tree and thought "I can't WAIT until fall when it is in it displays it's glorious colors!"  .... but look at it NOW.  Perhaps not quite as showy, but stunning non the same.   Made me think about this prompt, about how we look forward to vacations, holidays... but the everyday is every bit as precious.  (or so I tell my self as I'm pondering next year's vacation :)

Thursday, August 9, 2012

dVerse - Meeting the Bar - Impressionist Writing "Noble Warrior"

Noble Warrior

Bright eyed, a red clad warrior
pauses amidst a field of swaying gold
and Victorian lace,

noble nose pressed close
to one, then another.

Babbling brook
sings her song, beckons
him to abandon quest,

nearby boulders loom large
for exploration,

but not before presenting
a "sunrise" flower
to his queen.

by Margaret Bednar, Art Happens 365, August 9, 2012

This was written for dVerse "Meeting the Bar:  Impressionistic writing".  We were to write quickly, try and capture the shade and light of the subject, try to capture the mood, the atmosphere, adding only those details important to the whole.    Well, I wrote this in five minutes... you be the judge if I captured the rest :)  FYI:  specifically a Ninja Warrior ... I read this to my son and he wanted to make SURE I specified :)

"Here, Mommy"

IGWRT's - Out of Standard with Izy "A Doomsday Promise"

iPhone photography by Margaret Bednar
A Doomsday Promise

Hold my hand, innocent one,
and I promise we will 
skip down the dark, watery path
no longer intimidated by tomorrow,
frolic upon the edge of time
and leap over eternity's threshold


our lives beautifully 'til the very end.

The prompt at Imaginary Garden with Real Toad's "Out of Standard with Izy" is a heavy one, with a twist.   Write about Doomsday, but cast aside the doom and gloom.  I almost didn't attempt this, but then started to ponder a movie that has never left me... Life is Beautiful  It is a movie I highly recommend.

The Mag #129 - "Wish List"

A Dinner Table at Night, 1884, John Singer Sargent
Wish List

Lucca velvet, Chantilly lace,
Tahitian pearls, Limoges china,
Madeira linen, Tiffany silver.

Living my dream
of Donovan gowns,
and fine Pompadour's.

I just forgot to wish for love.

by Margaret Bednar, Art Happens 365, August 9, 2012

This is for "The Mag #129".  Write a poem or short vignette for the weekly photo prompt.

a side note about velvet:  Silk was carried along the legendary Silk route by Arabs to Europe.  Velvet reached Italy and made fortunes for the cities of Lucca, Sicily, Florence as they had the largest production of velvet from the 12th - 18th century.  They supplied to the rest of Europe.  Velvet was used in everything rich, from hors carriages to furniture, clothes, upholstery, drapes and even wall coverings.  (excerpt from HERE)

A fun Jerry Lee Lewis song "Chantilly Lace"

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

My Version of "Spirited Horses"

I always loved the painting "Spirited Horses".  My sister had a print of the painting on her bedroom wall.   These two beauties were trotting by me at a horse farm I visited today and I quickly caught them with my i-phone.  

Sunday, August 5, 2012

IGWRT's Sunday Challenge "Maternal Yearning" & Friday Flash 55 (for Aug 10)

"Photography by Teresa"
Would you like to hear me read my poem?

Check this out on Chirbit

Maternal Yearning

She hovers,
over-protective arms beckon,
maternal yearning hoisted
like the Jolly Roger.

Warmth, comfort, found
within weathered, rounded shape,
ferocity, toughness exist
without question.

Warns of dark shadows
'til she's breathless.  Watches
life's wind, thunder, lightening,
threaten and strike.

Security, disregarded.
Her children preferring
to brave life's elements
rather than seek her sheltering bosom.

Margaret Bednar, Art Happens 365, August 5, 2012

This is for Imaginary Garden with Real Toad's "The Sunday Challenge" featuring the photography of Terese of Razzamadazzle!  She offered her entire  photo collection for our inspiration and I enjoyed my trip through her photography.  I love old barns and horses, so this selection was a no brainer for me.

I also was able to complete this in 55 words for The G-Man at Friday Flash 55 .

Saturday, August 4, 2012

IGWRT's "Granny's Quilt"

Would you like to hear me read this poem? (please disregard the washing machine in the background :)

Check this out on Chirbit

Granny's Quilt

Irregular became Granny's hand,
determined patience its guide,

feed sacks, old shirts lovingly pieced together
upon cabin porch's worn cane-bottom chair.

"Stitching prayers" she'd say,

sewing a bit long, a bit ragged. Well house,
wash tub, clucking chickens before us,

my eyes bright, hers dimmed.  Quietly vibrant her voice,
warning me of life's twists and turns.

Spellbound, I sat, watching knarled fingers
create Puritan Stars to wrap about my shoulders,

"To protect you from the wolves of life."

Her faith-filled blessings forever guiding,
forever nurturing all my days.

by Margaret Bednar, Art Happens, August 4, 2012

This if for Imaginary Garden with Real Toad's "Music with Marian".  The inspirational song today is Sinead O'Connor's "The Wolf is Getting Married".

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Poets United #108 "Petoskey, Michigan"

My four year old son walking with his grandparents
Would you like to hear me read my poem?

Check this out on Chirbit

Petoskey, Michigan

True North is a moral compass
quivering towards integrity,
compassion, responsibility, forgiveness,

but it is also a place truly north
to which we gravitate each summer,
walk hand in hand with those we love,

where concerns are washed away,
our mind's pathways swept clean
by sky, wind, earth, and sea,

where Northern Lights can be seen,
wished upon.  Where splendor ignites within
and our inner selves find authenticity.

by Margaret Bednar, Art Happens 365, August 2, 2012

My daughter with one of her best friends
This is for Poets United #108 - Theme compass.

My daughter walking the shoreline of Lake Michigan

Poetry Jam "Just Being"

Would you like to hear me read my poem?

Check this out on Chirbit

Just Being

You neither question,
demand, nor solicit answers

but entreat me toward
indulgent solitude,

encourage me to enjoy
extravagant simplicity,

and convince me to relish
the gift of just being


by Margaret Bednar, Art Happens, August 2, 2012

This is linked with Poetry Jam - Give a Verb It's Day  And the iPhone photos are scenes from the vacation we took to Michigan!  

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

IGWRT's "Kerry's Wednesday Challenge "Little Traverse Bay, Michigan"

Would you like to hear me read my poem? (please disregard my dog's toenails on the wooden floor in the background :)

Check this out on Chirbit

Little Traverse Bay, Michigan

She reflects my image, but I don't see myself; I'm in search of her secrets, some of which lie glistening, imperfect gemstones, beneath my feet.  Chillness laps my toes, my fingers, as I plunder her beauty, like a tourist, in search of six-sided mementos to nurture, lest I forget.  Forget serenity. Forget to enjoy the moment.  Forget to step off the path and get wet. Forget to greet the rising sun and breath it in as it slips beyond the western shore.  Six months from now, when I pause and hold a part of her in my hand, I hope I will finally see myself.

by Margaret Bednar, Art Happens 365, August 1, 2012

HERE is a bit about the Petoskey stone and below is a photo of three polished stones.  We just came back from vacationing in Petoskey, MI and our family will always consider it "home".

This is linked with Imaginary Garden with Real Toads "Running the Brush".  It was an exercise with Zuihitsu - a genre of Japenese literature.  I am not sure if I successfully accomplished a zuihitsu, but this is what transpired.