For "Poetry Jam", "Friday Flash 55", "Friday Fences" & "Photo Art Friday" scroll to the bottom of page)
A gentle surge undulates
upon the straw,
pink cherub bodies
ride springtime's current
fall, ripple, sway,
roll forward
like a miniature wave train
gathering force
only to fall back again,
as squeals rise in pitch
against a warm shore
quivering snouts snuggle,
round elfin beach balls
bumpily bump about
tummies content
as spirits flourish,
life will forever be
a safe harbor.
by Margaret Bednar, Art Happens 365, revised 2-9-2012 (original 1-2-11)
This poem is one I blew the dust off and rearranged a bit. When we lived in Michigan, the girls and I often went to
Pond Hill Farm. One day we went, we were luck enough to see new born piglets (above). We went back several times just to watch them grow a bit and romp around the barnyard (below).
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I was honored when asked to host an interview over at
Imaginary Garden with Real Toads. Please hop on over and read about a fascinating woman, Mary Ann Potter. She is a gifted writer, poet, and photographer!
A Recipe for "I'm Sorry"
A dozen roses I offer
and a heart
filled with regret.
I'll throw away all excuses,
smash the sarcasm, the bitterness
and spread a more tolerant
state of mind all over my body,
top it off with a soft
lingering kiss of humbleness
seasoned to perfection
with passion and persistence
if you will forgive me.
by Margaret Bednar, Art Happens 365, February 9, 2012
And this beautiful textured photo I was able to create for
"Photo Art Friday" using Bonnie's texture "Goodness". Click the link to see other entries and explore other free textures Bonnie offers. She also has a plethora of others for sale at a reasonable price.
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AND, earlier this week, my horse, Sebastian, wrote a Friday Flash 55! I have reprinted it below and added the YouTube video of him as a colt of about 4 months old:
Tamed Passion
Passionately I prance
to my own rhythm
structure unacceptable.
A noble steed am I
breathing in untamed freedom,
all rules cast aside.
Intensity shines forth
from my poetic soul,
feet drumming
a mystical beat,
but I confess
I'll humble myself,
cast it all aside
for a tempting morsel
of apple, carrot, or grass.
By Sebastian, Art Happens 365, February 3, 2012