Friday, February 11, 2011

R.I.P., 136 - 138/365

My son and I had plans to go to the park and play after dropping his sister off at school.  Realized too late his jacket was missing, so I drove around the countryside instead.  My three year old, I'm sure, wouldn't agree this was a fair tradeoff.

I found a few nice photo ops, but this old car in the shed was my "prize" find.  I must go back as the morning sun was too strong (10:30) and I was shooting straight into it.  I would love to capture this first light and sunset.  The fun part is there was another old heap to the left.  I kind of "salvaged" one photo by putting it into b&w.   I am thinking on a poem for these images.   Does anyone know what type of car this is?  I just think of it as a "gangster" car...

And this is my "Ghost" image...

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The photo below was taken while on my drive as well.  It is for "Patterns & Repetitions in February."  

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 The weekend's "Haiku Challenge" picture and word prompts are below: 

Photo courtesy of "The Haiku Challenge"
His intimate pledge
To love, cherish and protect
Her reminder "gift"

I know that both couples pledge the same thing.  I know that some women wear just a band, but this is typically the style ring a man wears, so I went with that.   Women tend to want a bit "more".  :)

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Sunday's Haiku Challenge is the word "Grumble"

Lonely barnyard prince
No reason to strut and preen
Grumbles for a flock


Carol Blackburn said...

Awesome photos, Margaret.....I think you know my next question.......may I have permission to paint one of the car and the rooster. You are my muse these days, you know! I will have to send you the painting of your choice from the ones I do.
My hubby says it's either a Chrysler or Chevrolet. It looks just like one my Dad had when I was about 5 y.o. that would have been in 1956 and he didn't buy new cars so it was older than that.

Carol Blackburn said...

Opps, found out it's a Plymouth. There is one similar on Flicker out in Pike County, Ohio except it doesn't have the little white back up lights. These were not standard back then. I remember my Dad got pulled over by a cop one night and given a ticked and told he had to add these lights. He could have fought it but didn't.

Margaret said...

Carol, Yes, I would be honored. I LOVE seeing my photos turned into paintings. And thanks for asking... I will follow be interested in seeing it progress along! I have a few other photos of that rooster - I will add them to my post (so check back!)

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

Wonderful Margaret!! Love the car - what a find! And your rooster. Get going with PS, you have FAB material to work with!

Mike Patrick said...

Lovely haiku. Sometimes men want a bit more too. I tried wearing the engagement ring/wedding ring set, but all the other guys said it was too gaudy.

Anonymous said...

The pics are as enjoyable as the Haikus, beautiful in all :)

Anonymous said...

Great photos. I like your haikus too.

The car's fascinating. It's a Hoodsmobile.

Have a nice day, Boonie

Rosie Grey said...

What a wonderful post, Margaret! Your photos are simply gorgeous and I look forward to seeing more of that car! Beautiful poems, too!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely Incredible photos ... from the car to the rooster ... great grumble haiku ... poor rooster! :-) I look forward to reading and viewing more of your creations! Thank you for sharing!

Ginnie Hart said...

You pack so much into these posts, Margaret, with all the daily challenges you're part of. It's like I can see how your mind works. HA! I love all the photo ops you have all around you. It amazes me. You capture so much.

Margaret said...

Bonnie - thank you and I am S-L-O-W-L-Y reading through the manual of Photoshop. There is so much to learn, but how exciting!

Mike - :) What do guys know about fashion. I say wear it!

Lynnaima - Thanks for enjoying my post!

Boonie - Is a Hoodsmobile a Plymouth?

Rosie - Yes, I love this car - I tried to get back last evening, but it didn't work out. I have a feeling it isn't going anywhere, though!

Becca - Love your compliments! I hope to post more of the car soon!

Ginnie - Thanks! I try to think of each one as I take my walks and I often get them all in one outing. Not bad for me as I am too busy to go out EVERY day...

Someone is Special said...

ah.. nice pics and wonderful Haiku..

Someone is Special

Margaret said...

Someone - Thank you for hosting and creating this challenge! :)