Saturday, September 16, 2023

The Bluebird

Image courtesy of Susie Clevenger 

The Bluebird

God gifted Bluebird
a cloak of royal indigo
and a vest of orange zest

habiliments worn 
perched upon matronly limbs
while performing lofty melodies 
proclaiming summer love

often silhouetted
against field and sky
singing for none other than himself.

But one day found himself
within a cage; a wild captivity,
requests for joy, ignored.

Ballads dried upon his tongue
vestments became frayed and worn...
a coveted prize no more.

Finally released, 
freedom upon blue feathers
he flew far and wide

and sang so sweetly
of renewal, his gift to God,
angelic song.

by Margaret Bednar, September 16, 2023

This is linked with (THE LAST) "The Sunday Muse #261".  Obviously, a long run and I thank Carrie Van Horn for hosting for so long!  

This is also part of my Emily Dickinson reflections series.  I read "The Bluebird" of which I borrowed her title.  Her "The Bluebird" poem is HERE

Some sounds (and sights) of bluebirds HERE


Priscilla King said...

Is indigo the right color for buebirds? But "a vest of orange zest" is perfect.

Margaret said...

Priscilla King - Not sure you will see this, I don't see able to reply directly to you - but I am referencing a description used by Emily Dickinson. I agree - it seems a bit of a dark color, but I have seen some who reflect a very deep blue (I think indigo has a bit of purple). Emily also used brown for the orange color - which is different as well.