Sunday, November 11, 2018

Grandma's Cranberry Bread

Grandma's Cranberry Bread

Maybe it's the saturated color, teasing me.

Glistening berries, rounded and full,
a dash of orange peel, walnuts, cup of sugar.

Grandma folding them into flour mixture.
Aroma of the baking, the cooling, the waiting my undoing;
this reminiscence, this childhood refuge, an elixir I miss.

by Margaret Bednar, November 11, 2018

As a kid I really didn't like cranberries.  I hated them served at Thanksgiving and Christmas (I love them now) but I loved my Grandma's Cranberry Bread (probably all the sugar she put in the recipe).  Anyway, I saw this huge supply of cranberries at the grocery store and I was almost transported back to the warm and welcoming kitchen of my Grandma's ... I ached for it!

It's sad, but I don't have her recipe, but I am going to try the one below.

Linked with "Imaginary Garden with Real Toads - Fussy Little Forms - Cherita"


Helen said...

Your poem brings back so many warm and lovely memories of my grandmother. They were all magicians in the kitchen, weren't they?

Anmol (HA) said...

So delectable — I can totally empathize with "the waiting my undoing". A lovely cherita. :-)

Marian said...

... the waiting is the hardest part.
This is lovely, Margaret. Have you ever seen a cranberry bog? Blew my mind completely the first time I saw one, wow.

Kerry O'Connor said...

I do love cranberry bread! Delicious!

Susie Clevenger said...

Oh, what a sweet memory. Cranberries are one of my favorite fruits. said...

Nice memory, and sounds yummy.

Unknown said...

You painted us such a treasured memory. Thank you for sharing that! Now, I am craving Cranberry Bread! lol