Tuesday, December 10, 2013

"The Entanglement"

The Entanglement

Rubies, pearls,
onyx, and jade
gifts from a lover -
eagerly worn.

In the dark of night,
tangled, entwined
faithfulness shines
from moonstone eyes,

briefly brands "forever"
with ivory touch,
hints of a diamond
winks - is gone,

as smoke from his pipe
surrounds and clings.
In this soft dawn light,
shivering and cold

rubies, pearls,
onyx, and jade
gifts from a lover -
slowly I adorn.

Margaret Bednar, December 9, 2013

This is so very late and I hosted this challenge - "Imaginary Garden with Real Toads - Artistic Interpretations - Through the lens of Jennifer MacNeill"  She graciously allowed us to use her "The Collector" images for our poetry challenge.  Click on the link for further details.

Jennifer MacNeill is a fabulously talented photographer.  Her flickr sight can be found HERE, and her website HERE.

Please excuse me for hosting and then getting back with everyone so late - I was away for the weekend celebrating my husband's 50th birthday (and it was a lot of fun).  I will visit everyone's responses to this challenge tomorrow morning!  


Kay L. Davies said...

This ruby and pearl piece was going so well, with even a hint of a diamond, until that smoke started clinging and cloying. Too bad.
But so glad you had a good time for your husband's 50th birthday. A good time should be had by all on such an occasion.
Thanks for hosting this challenge. One photo in particular seemed to leap out at me with pieces of my childhood in it.

Anonymous said...

I love the weaver here -- the way you make pipe and pearl an exchange between lovers. How pipe-smoke lingers and seduces the speaker to dress up with those jewels -- and begin the dance again. Fine stuff. -Brendan

Maude Lynn said...

This is gorgeous, Margaret!

revelations said...

there are so many subtle nuances between two lovers...this part of a relationship really came to mind when I read this...

Hannah said...

Wonderful!! I'm glad that you had a good time this weekend, Margaret and never worry about the wait for life will not wait and those moments are gold.

I loved that image as well...I really enjoy how you bring it together cyclically with your opening and closing stanzas, (I like the variations, too). My favorite is your second stanza though because of the moonstones, (a favorite of mine).

Thank you for this challenge, Margaret!!

Scarlet said...

I like the repetition of the first and last one with the variation ~ Lovely challenge Margaret ~ Hope you had a wonderful weekend with your family ~


Sherry Blue Sky said...

Beautifully romantic.....so happy you celebrated your husband's 50th with joy.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely romantic poem. Love the use of the gemstones.

Anonymous said...

To me, each gem signifies a virtue and a gift of love in all its facets that cling to a woman's heart because of its immeasurable worth of being thusly loved & desired~ BEAUTIFUL dear friend ~Debbie

Jim said...

Nice and light "romance" here for me, Margaret. I liked it and was having several thoughts:
Marilyn Monroe would have cried, "Diamonds are a girl's best friend;"
French artist Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec "Molin Rouge women to paint;" [ http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.mystudios.com/artgallery/paintings/71001-71500/71297/size1.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.mystudios.com/artgallery/H/Henri-De-Toulouse-Lautrec/Goule-Enters-The-Moulin-Rouge-With-Two-Women.html&h=600&w=476&sz=56&tbnid=2hqA00OjTFJUOM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=71&zoom=1&usg=__h8OxFBOLtORagC8r2On4V224zxQ=&docid=XlCVCehiOy4ZFM&sa=X&ei=QxypUoIQx56RB7KPgcgI&ved=0CE4Q9QEwBg ] and
My former roommate's motto, "die before age thirty by a jealous husband."

Alice Audrey said...

It's a challenging time to be hosting a challenge.

Natašek said...

hmm..being in love.. it makes you drunk ;)

Kerry O'Connor said...

This was a fabulous challenge, Margaret. Your poem really brings out all the richness of the image.