Tuesday, August 2, 2011

In Tandem #4, "The Oak Tree"

Art Work Courtesy of Jinsky

The Oak Tree

I searched for arms protective
gallantly, twisted with age,
an old sweet comfort yearned for

to help me whisper goodbye.

The dappled path familiar
I searched for a place
where I once, in secret code

my carved youthful affection.

I searched for meaning
under the once sheltering haven
my hand caressed the life rings.
tragically butchered.

Just like my first love,


With knees aching I stood,
dangling catkins tickled my face
the ground sprinkled with confetti seeds;
and the promise

of new life.

by Margaret Bednar, Art Happens 365, August 2, 2011

This is for "In Tandem #4".  This also happened to coincide with "Poetry Jam's" theme this week - poems for those who have passed away from us here on this earth.  


Matteo Taffuri said...

Una perfetta armonia di colori!
Have a nice day

Junibears said...

Beautiful poem. xx

Jinksy said...

Ah! I see you found this without needing my email! LOL. I love the story it called forth from you. Thanks for playing, Margaret.♥

Ann Grenier said...

Such a delight and very creative use of the prompt. How many of us can remember such trees and initials and changes.

Margaret said...

Mattteo, JuniBears, Ann & Jinksy - Thank you for the kind words. My childhood memories are filled with my childhood "crush". He never thought of me as anything other than a young friend, and maybe that was the charm... :)

lucychili said...

i like the feel of life circling, cycling.

Brian Miller said...

i like the ackowledge to new life there in the end...it lightens the piece a bit...

Mary said...

Beautiful poem. It is always so hard to say good-bye.

The Bug said...

Lovely poem about death & life.

Sometimes those early crushes are the best - if they're never fulfilled then they're always filled with promise.

Karen said...

This is a lovely -- a fine poem-- and if poetry is new to you, you have a gift for it!

Laurie Kolp said...

Speculative and emotional piece... I love dappled path.

Scarlet said...

I like these lines:

"I searched for meaning
under the once sheltering haven
my hand caressed the life rings.
tragically butchered."

Happy sunday ~

Debbie Dawnslight said...

"I searched for arms protective
gallantly, twisted with age,
an old sweet comfort yearned for

to help me whisper goodbye."

This makes me think with love of my grandmother.
I agree with Brian about the lovely and almost uplifting ending.

Bagman and Butler said...

Wonderful tribute -- the power of old trees goes beyond the tree itself.

Pete Goulding said...

Lovely smoothly honed poem which turns nicely at the end.
I don't like 'dappled' but that's my own particular foible and is no reflection on its merit in the poem!

Enchanted Oak said...

Like Jinksy, I enjoyed seeing what story the artwork drew from you. The seed image is redemptive. Around here we call 'em acorns.

jabblog said...

'tragically butchered' is capable of a couple of interpretations which makes it most interesting.