Saturday, January 1, 2011

An Award!

I participated in Promising Poet's Parking Lot - Thursday Poets Rally Week #36 and I was kindly offered and I accepted, the "Perfect Poet" award for week 36.  Quite a number of other participants were as well, so please click HERE to be transported to the other poets who received this award.  The poem I submitted was A Life Together, Celebrated which I posted a few days ago. 

Thank you for this honor and I am truly humbled as I have so much to learn about poetry - I've only been exposed for a few months.  Many of the fine poets I follow are on my side bar and I invite you to explore their amazing work.  


Jingle said...

you are doing Thursday Poets Rally at promising poets parking lot, as you see my public poetry blog NOW, NOT jingle poetry, recall, Jingle Poetry is on blogger spot account and potluck is hosted by Amanda/Kavita, Jingle dos support both Thursday Poets Rally and Jingle Poetry Potluck.

Thursday poets rally is hosted by Jingle and takes place at Promising poets parking lot…

Thanks for the attention.

I responded to your comment, please check it out in my blog.

Margaret said...

Jingle - I'm trying to follow - I can't find your comment, but I will look again. For some reason, it is all a little confusing for me. I will continue to try and figure it all out - in the mean time, if I mess up, just let me know! Thank you.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

be easy,

all is okay so far, you are done well.
Happy Monday.

Margaret said...

Jingle, thank you. I think I have got it! ;) Just let me know if I get off the track, so to speak.

Ginnie Hart said...

Congratulations, Margaret. :)

Rosie Grey said...

Congratulations!! So well deserved, Margaret!

Jamia Gilbert said...

Congratulations Margaret!

Margaret said...

Ginnie, Rosie, and Jamia - thank you. I am truly humbled and a bit embarrassed as I am a beginner and have SO much to learn!