Monday, September 27, 2010

New Art Challenge!

"Charleston Laborer"

This is my entry for the "In The Moment Photography" Challenge.  The Challenge word is "Labor".  In entering this challenge, I am giving permission for this photo to be downloaded by artists who in turn, if they choose this photo, will post the result on the "In The Moment Art" Challenge.   So, please, feel free to get this challenge out there!

This grand fellow was resting his hind leg in the heat of the day - he was getting ready to tour the historic town of Charleston, SC.  He received quite a few pats from my daughters and me and we wished he had been able to be our escort about town.  This photo was taken from my archives from the summer of 2009.


Pitterle Postings said...

Love it! He is beautiful! And definately looks li

izzy said...

A very handsome fellow! -and the challenge is to draw/paint him -?