Wednesday, September 15, 2010

8/365 "The Fence"

"The Fence 1"
"The Fence 2"
The Fence 3
I drive by this fence every day and today I finally stopped in an attempt to capture the shadows the fence and tree make over the pasture and road. The top image is unaltered other than a bit of cropping.  For the 2nd and 3rd photo I adjusted the color and lighting just a tad - and you can see the annoying brown branches of the foreground tree on the right -  I am going to watercolor this scene and I will use artistic license to crop it out.  I thought that for a photo, the top photo was better as I was trying to give center stage to the shadows, but for a painting, I was thinking the third one works best.  (my sketching and painting blog is Art Happens)  Or maybe the top doesn't work - maybe I cropped it too much.  What do you think?

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