Tuesday, December 6, 2011

In Tandem #21 - "Eternity's Bosom"

Louis Charles Moeller - American Painter 1855-1930
"Eternity's Bosom"

Before the altar we stood,
veil lifted, I shyly met his eyes.
Mozart's music engulfed us
as time stood still,
I, clinging to his hand with my left
and holding nosegay in my right.

A thin place we seek each year
inviting divine mystery's embrace, 
joining countless others
who have gone before
and will go after.

For fifty years, upon this date
we have sat beside our hearth
my eyes now seek boldly, his.
Our love's strength cherished
as Mozart's melody permeates our being
and a bit of nosegay
is placed within my hands.

I press these moments to my heart,
thankful for another thin place of time,
Our vows transcended
and held fast
to eternity's bosom.

by Margaret Bednar, Art Happens 365, December 6, 2011

* * * * *

The artwork from "In Tandem" was the original prompt for this poem and is actually a painting of a tree, I believe.  It reminded me of "nosegay.

I also linked up with dVerse "Open Link Night".  

I also found quite a bit of inspiration from a post by George of "Transit Notes" - "Music As a Thin Place".  Not sure I truly captured the essence of what a "thin place" means, as I think it is usually captured when one is solitary.  But a few times I believe I have witnessed a look between an elderly couple that comes close.   


  1. Very, very lovely, Margaret, and I think you have captured the essences of "thin places." It may be that such places are most often encountered in solitude, but that doesn't have to be the case. Anything or any place that opens your heart, allowing you to experience something of the divine, is a thin place.

  2. What a wonderful testament to the early fragility of love to the steadfastness of a life together ~ loved it

  3. Wow a wonderful writre, truly captured the feeling from start to the rest of life. Ignoring that pesky divorce thing..haha

  4. Like this a lot Margaret. You've gone a long way from the brush dabs of that prompt picture, and found something worth saying.

  5. I admire old couples who stay together thru think or thin. Love the music and nosegay flowers, with vows for eternity...very lovely share ~

  6. I mean "thick or thin" ... lovely picture too

  7. this made me smile and feel warm...there are far too many couples that do not stick it out...to see the ones that do is something truly special...

  8. Dearest Lady, you continue to be one of the lights in the blogosphere -- in the world too, yes of course, but for sure in our hearts here in poetry land.

    My parents are married 52 years now.

    And your words bring tears to my eyes, yet joy to my heart.


  9. beautiful - I love the references to thin places.

  10. Tree to nosegay is a great leap of imagination - what the Tandem looks for each week! Thank you for giving it pedal power! ♥
